Covid-19 Update - Sponsored Guidance

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you all for your patience and support as we work through regulatory and process changes as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic. URA has been compiling and updating information as quickly as possible but there are still a lot of unknowns.

All current info is posted on the Research Continuity Planning for COVID-19 Website under "Sponsored Programs". There is also a link to this Resource from the URA Website. We will be flagging updates in our newsletter and we will also be discussing these issues at our rescheduled Research Administration Hot Topics Meeting to be held Wednesday, March 25th at 10am. Please register here.

As always any project specific questions should be sent to URA Post-award Administrator who can assist you. 

The most immediate concern for many of our Researchers is the ability to charge salary to an active sponsored account. Although this is an evolving situation, URA is recommending the following: 

If the individual is working remotely and contributing to the project, then salary can be charged to the grant. 

If an individual cannot contribute to their current project but can contribute to another sponsored project or school activity, the salary must be moved to that funding source. 

If an individual is assigned to work remotely but cannot contribute to any university activity, NIH is allowing salary to continue to be charged to the award (see NOT-OD-20-086) consistent with University policy. We plan to extend this to all sponsored programs unless a sponsor specifically restricts these charges.  This is allowable up to the limits communicated in the University policy update on March 19, 2020 (currently up to 30 days). 

While we await further guidance from other sponsors, the University has chosen to rely on the information and administrative relief document issued by OMB (see M-20-17). This means that local divisions may leave these charges on any awards, however, they may need to be removed based on future sponsor guidance.

The PI/lab should document and retain information on the staff and related compensation that is charged to each award when no contribution is made to the project.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns related to your research. Hope to "see" you all on Wednesday at 10am.

Best regards,
Jennifer A. Ponting, JD
Executive Director, Sponsored Programs
p: 773.834.5092 | f: 773.702.2142