
Quick Reference Fact Sheet


Institution Name and Address: 

The University of Chicago 

5801 South Ellis Avenue  
Chicago, Illinois 60637-5418 

Type of Organization: 

Educational, Private, Non-Profit 

For a copy of the 501(c)3 documentation, please contact your URA Manager 

Date of Incorporation: 

September 10, 1890 (The University opened its doors in 1892) 

President of the University: 

Paul Alivisatos 

Authorized Institutional Official: 

Jennifer A. Ponting, J.D. 
Associate Vice President for Research Administration 
Director, University Research Administration  

6054 South Drexel Avenue, Suite 200 
Chicago, Illinois 60637-2612 

(773) 702-8604 
(773) 702-2142 (FAX) 

Technology Transfer Officer: 

YaQuavia Gooden 
Compliance Manager 
Polsky Tech Commercialization 
6054 S. Drexel Ave., Ste. 405 
Chicago IL 60637 

(773) 702-1692 (Polsky Tech Commercialization) 

For all agency applications (including NIH, NSF): 

Use io-ura@uchicago.edu as the Authorized Institutional Official email address 

University of Chicago Fiscal Year: 

July 1 – June 30 

Legislature District/Illinois House #: 


State Senate District /Illinois Senate #: 




Congressional District: 


Addresses for Checks: 

Foundation Checks Payable to: 

The University of Chicago 
Attn: Lisa Wells 
Billing & Receivables Specialist 
6054 South Drexel Avenue, Suite 200 
Chicago, IL 60637 

(773) 702-8604 
FAX (773) 702-2142 


Total Number of Alumni Volunteers at Institution: 

11,126 for FY17 

Entity ID # (EIN)/Tax ID # (TIN):

36-2177139 (displayed as 1362177139A1 on our federal rate agreement)
The University of Chicago is Tax Exempt under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Services Code.



Unique Entity Identifier (SAM):


System for Award Management (SAM):

Expiration Date: 9/10/2025

Central Contractor Registry (CCR):


NIH Assigned Institutional Profile number:


NAICS # (formerly SIC):


Federal wide Assurance (FWA) Number (Human Subjects):

Federalwide Assurance (FWA) Number: FWA00005565
U of Chicago (The)
Expiration Date: 7/6/2027

Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) Database for Registered IORGs & IRBs, Approved FWAs, and Documents Received in Last 60 Days: https://ohrp.cit.nih.gov/
Institutional Review Board Information
IORG Number: IORG0000201

CAGE Code:


IACUC (PHS/OLAW) Animal Welfare Assurance Number:

A3523-01 (D16-00322)
Effective Date: 8/21/2024
Expiration Date: 7/31/2027

USDA Registration Number:


AAALAC Accreditation:

Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC)
Primary AAALAC Accreditation Assurance Number: 001020
Renewed on 10/29/2021 (valid for three (3) years)

Standard Industrial Code (SIC):


Federal Interagency Committee on Education number – FICE #:


Misconduct in Science Annual Report Date:

01/22/2016 (updated annually)

NRC Number (IL Dept. of Nuclear Safety):


National Provider Identifier (NPI) for UCMC:


Illinois Dept. of Human Rights Eligibility #:

License Type: Eligible Bidder/Public Contracts
License Number (#): 107144-00
Start Date: 3/18/2016
Expiration Date: 5/25/2027

State of Illinois Grant Accountability and Transparency (GATA) system:

Organization Name: The University of Chicago
Organization ID: 673921 

Illinois Procurement Gateway Vendor Registration:

Vendor Registration Number: IPG-0664380
Expiration Date: 6/12/2025

European Union / European Commission

Participant Identification Code (PIC): 993760054
Eurostat Entity Reference Number: 2018/093/US

Federal Cognizant Agency for Audit:

Department of Health and Human Services
National Audit Managers - Non-Federal Audits
HHS National External Audit Resources
1100 Walnut Street, Suite 850
Kansas City, MO 64106

Date of latest Federal Facilities and Administrative (F&A)/Indirect Cost (IDC) Agreement:


Cost Accounting Disclosure Date:


Disclosed to:

Division of Cost Allocation

Dept. of Health and Human Services
Cohen Building – Room 1067
330 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201

Federal Cognizant Agency for Fringe Benefit Rate & Indirect Cost:

DHHS Division of Cost Allocations
Central States Field Office
1301 Young Street
Dallas, Texas 75202
Phone: (214) 767-3261
Fax: (214) 767-3264

Government Agency that Approved System of Control of Government Property:


Government Agency that Approved Purchasing Procedures:


Contract Administration Office (Required on Contract Pricing Proposal Cover Sheet – SF 1411):

Office of Naval Research
Chicago Regional Office
230 S. Dearborn Avenue, Room 380
Chicago, IL 60604-1595
Phone: (312) 886-5423
Office email: ONR_Chicago@onr.navy.mil

Certificate of Good Standing:

Secretary of State’s Office
17 N. State Street – Suite 1137
Chicago, IL 60602
(UC File # – 0522-358-0)
Call Springfield Regarding Changes, etc.
Phone: (217) 782-6875

Research Compliance Oversight Committees

Fringe Benefit Rates

See Fringe Benefit Rates for more information and the individual breakdowns.  For more information on these rates, and to get the most comprehensive rate data please visit Financial Services website.

Fringe Benefit Rates for FY 2025 (effective July 1, 2024)

Benefits-eligible employees (benefit levels 1 and 2), federal awards (Ledger 5) Benefits-eligible employees (benefit levels 1 and 2), all other Benefits-ineligible employees (benefit level 3)
20.9% 23.9% 6.4%
The benefit rates for benefits-eligible employees will be applied to their benefits-eligible compensation.

Fringe Benefit Rates for FY 2024 (effective July 1, 2023)

Benefits-eligible employees (benefit levels 1 and 2), federal awards (Ledger 5) Benefits-eligible employees (benefit levels 1 and 2), all other Benefits-ineligible employees (benefit level 3)
23.0% 26.4% 6.3%
The benefit rates for benefits-eligible employees will be applied to their benefits-eligible compensation.

Fringe Benefit Rates for FY 2023 (effective July 1, 2022)

Benefits-eligible employees (benefit levels 1 and 2), federal awards (Ledger 5) Benefits-eligible employees (benefit levels 1 and 2), all other Benefits-ineligible employees (benefit level 3)
22.3% 25.3% 7.0%
The benefit rates for benefits-eligible employees will be applied to their benefits-eligible compensation.

Federal Facilities & Administrative Cost Rates

Visit Facilities & Administrative, Fringe Benefits, & Disclosure Statements for the current rate agreement.

F&A Cost Rates: On Campus Off Campus
07/01/2021 - 06/30/2026 64.0% 26.0%
07/01/2026 - Until Amended 64.0% 26.0%
07/01/2021 - 06/30/2026 51.0% 26.0%
07/01/2026  - Until Amended 51.0% 26.0%
Other Sponsored Activities    
07/01/2021 - 06/30/2026 38.0% 26.0%
07/01/2026 - Until Amended 38.0% 26.0%
The rates above are expressed as a percentage of modified total direct costs (MTDC) and will remain in effect for the periods specified.

Non-Federal Indirect Cost Rates

It is the policy of the University to request full indirect costs (IDCs) on all grant and contract proposals. This includes corporate sponsors and other non-federal entities.

The minimum indirect cost rates are as follows:

For-profit sponsors funding basic research (including animal studies), instruction, or other sponsored activities should apply the equivalent of the full, negotiated federal rate against a total direct cost base:
64% of total direct costs.

For-profit sponsors funding clinical testing (clinical trials) of drugs or devices:
30% total direct costs
(Effective: September 1, 2020)

Not-for-profit sponsors:
20% of total direct costs

Not-for-profit sponsors with published rates:
Sponsor’s published rate

For not-for-profit sponsors, in the absence of a stated indirect cost policy, the University adds to the proposed budget a line item of administrative costs (or overhead costs) at 20% total direct costs with the following explanation noted with the budget: “In the absence of written policies regarding administrative costs and in accordance with University of Chicago policy, administrative costs of 20% of total direct costs have been included. If the (foundation / association / organization) has a stated policy regarding provision of administrative costs, we request that notification of that policy be made a part of the award notice.”

Single Audit Reports


University Financial Statements

Audited Financial Statements

Operating budget information is available in the Financial Statements. Please feel free to contact your URA Research Administrator for any questions. 

UC Medical Center Financial Statements

Medical Center Audited Financial Statements