DbGaP Requests

Revision Date: March 6, 2023
Responsible Office: URA

Requests for dbGaP Data

In order to access data from dbGaP, you must first complete a submission within the dbGaP portal using your eRA Commons ID. Please ensure the information you provide, such as IRB protocol when applicable, is accurate - URA is not responsible for the content of your dbGaP application.

You must select both a Signing Official and an IT Director as part of your application. The Signing Official (SO) should be Diana Ehrlich. The IT Director should be Matt Morton.

Before the SO can approve your dbGaP application, you must first route a request in AURA Agreements as a Data Use Agreement - Incoming. In the case of a renewal, please Create Amendment to your existing Agreements record. Please provide all pertinent information in the submission form, and attach a copy of the dbGaP DUC (data use certification) as the agreement draft. Please also include the dbGaP number as part of the project title in AURA.

Once the review process has been completed, the SO will activate the AURA Agreements record and approve the application in the dbGaP portal. It will then go forward for NCBI's review process. If your application is rejected by NCBI/dbGaP, it is your responsibility to make the required changes and resubmit to URA to be re-approved.

Project Closeout in dbGaP

Projects nearing expiration in dbGaP must be either renewed or closed. For renewals, please follow the process described above for requesting access. To close a dbGaP project, please initiate the closeout process in the dbGaP system, and then email the SO (Diana Ehrlich) the following information:

  • dbGaP project number
  • Confirmation that the data has been destroyed per the terms of use
  • the AURA Agreements ID

Upon receipt of that information, the SO can complete the closeout process in dbGaP and will additionally ensure that the AURA record is moved to Expired/Terminated state.

Submission of Data to dbGaP

In order to facilitate the submission of data into the dbGaP commons, dbGaP will provide you with an agreement or certification document. Please route this document in AURA Agreements as a Data Use Agreement - Outgoing. Please complete the submission form in as much detail as possible in order to facilitate an efficient review.

March 6, 2023