Proposal Submission & Award Acceptance

In November 1987, Norman Bradburn, Provost of the University, and Walter Massey, Vice President for Research and Argonne National Laboratory, jointly released a memorandum on the submission of applications and acceptance of awards for sponsored funding. This memo was entitled “Grants and Contracts: Application Submission and Award Acceptance.” The memorandum outlines the University’s policy on release of grant and contract proposals and acceptance of grant and contract awards on behalf of the University.

Administrators should consult the URA Authorized Signature page for more information on submitting proposals and accepting awards.

Faculty and administrators interested in University policy and procedure related to requests for unrestricted or restricted gifts or the acceptance and acknowledgment of gifts should contact the University Development office. In addition, readers should note that the policy printed below refers to the submission of new proposals, not the submission of requests for continuing or supplemental support or requests for extensions in time. – February 1989


The purpose of this memorandum is to review the University’s policy on the submission of applications and acceptance of awards that result in a grant or contract for research, instruction, or other sponsored activity.

All requests for funding to organizations outside of the University of Chicago are to be submitted by one of the University’s central administrative offices on behalf of an individual or group of individuals. All awards, whether in cash, equipment, or materials must also be accepted by an official of the University on behalf of the faculty. This policy has been developed to assure that all legal requirements incumbent upon the University in the application and acceptance of outside funding are carefully reviewed and appropriately acknowledged.

Proposal applications being prepared by an individual faculty member or a group of faculty must first be reviewed and approved by the chairmen of each department and the respective division deans. After the divisional review, proposals are forwarded to one of the following University offices to obtain the approval to release the application to a funding organization: Research Administration, Central Devel-opment Foundation Relations, or Central Development Corporate Relations. All applications for grant and contract funding should be automatically forwarded to the Office of Research Administration unless Corporate or Foundation Relations assisted in the preparation of the submission. Requests for unre-stricted or restricted gift funds must be submitted to one of the appropriate Central Development Offices.

It is particularly important that all awards, regardless of the source of funding and the use of the funds, be officially accepted by the University on behalf of the investigators. Gifts are to be officially acknowledged by the Development Office and grants and contracts are to be officially acknowledged by the Office of Research Administration.

It is clear that most of the University’s faculty members are familiar with and adhere to these policies. We ask that you help us inform new faculty and remind the others in your departments about these policies and the reasons behind them.

The offices of Research Administration and Development are here to help facilitate the granting process and are eager to assist your faculty in obtaining funding. Please be reminded, all proposals are required to be submitted to URA for institutional endorsement prior to submission, even if Foundation Relations and Corporate Relations has been involved in helping to develop the proposal.