Department of Defense (DoD)
The Department of Defense (DoD) is America's oldest and largest government agency. The DoD is responsible for providing the military forces needed to deter war and protect the security of the United States. The major elements of these forces are the Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, DARPA, CDMRP, and Marine Corps; see list under Department Links for frequently used agencies. DOD consists of a number of service components and other activities and it has a substantial annual research budget.
AFOSR: Air Force Office of Scientific Research
CDMRP: Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs
DARPA: Defense Advance Research Projects Agency
DURIP: Defense University Research Instrumentation Program
MRDC: Medical Research and Development Command (US Army)
MURI: Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative
SOCOM: Special Operations Command
The DoD has long supported universities to perform state-of-the-art, competitive, basic research in science and engineering relevant to the DoD mission and reflecting national security priorities, while strengthening the future science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce. Each program can potentially have their own research programs, solicitations, and unique requirements (Unlike NIH/NSF with are fairly uniform in terms of proposal components and submission procedures). DoD awards may be in inform of grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, other transaction agreements (OTAs), or Technology Investment Agreements (TIAs).
A Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is a competitive solicitation procedure used to obtain proposals for basic and applied research. The BAA contains priorities for research topics, eligibility requirements, instructions on the submission process, and required content for proposals. Each BAA is specific to that funding opportunity - please read these carefully, as they apply to the specific opportunity and may contain special requirements.
- Office of Naval Research (ONR) BAAs
- How to Apply to ONR
- Funding Opportunities
- University Research Initiatives
- Young Investigator Program (YIP)
Air Force
- Army Broad Agency Announcements
- U.S. Army Medical Research & Material Command:Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP)
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering
- Basic Research Office (BRO)
- Research & Education Program for Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU/MI)
- Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship
Application Documents
Grant applications are submitted in accordance with individual broad agency announcements. Refer to the individual announcement for specific submission requirements.
You may be asked to submit an Idea Statement first to a program officer before submitting any required proposal materials. Also, there may be a formal, two step application process. You may be required to submit a white paper, followed by an invited full proposal. Carefully read the BAA for specific requirements. Below is a list of the usual documents that are part of a DoD proposal:
- White paper (this may be a required first step, with full proposals invited)
- Standard Form (SF) 424
- Statement of Disclosure Preference (Form 52 or 52A)
- Research and Related Other Project Information
- Project Abstract
- Project Description (Technical Proposal)
- Biographical Sketch
- Bibliography
- Current and Pending Support
- Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources
- Proposal Budget
- Contract Facilities Capital Cost of Money(FCCM) (DD Form 1861)
- Appendices
DoD Policies and Regulations
All ONR, AFOSR, ARO, and ARL grants and funding increments on existing research grants to organizations subject to 2 CFR Part 215 will incorporate by reference the Research Terms and Conditions/Agency Specific Requirements.
- Procurement and Acquisition Policy
- Acquisitions Regulations Directorate
- DOD Grant and Agreement Regulations (DGARS)
- Defense Federal Aquisition Regulations Supplement (DFARS)
- Office of Naval Research (ONR) Grant Terms and Conditions
- Per Diem Rates
DoD Resources
URA Presentation on Department of Defense
DoD 101 - Overview of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
Heilmeier Questions - Specific questions to answer in ANY research grant proposal. From DARPA.
University guide to working with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
DoD Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP)
Grant applications must be downloaded and submitted through This website will provide prospective grant applicants with information and all required documents for the Department of Defense application process.
DoD Data Strategy - Data management involves all stages of the digital data life cycle including capture, analysis, sharing, and preservation.