National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Proposal Toolkit

National Endowment for the Humanities

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is an independent federal agency created in 1965. It is one of the largest funders of humanities programs in the United States.

Because democracy demands wisdom, NEH serves and strengthens our republic by promoting excellence in the humanities and conveying the lessons of history to all Americans. The Endowment accomplishes this mission by awarding grants for top-rated proposals examined by panels of independent, external reviewers.

NEH grants typically go to cultural institutions, such as museums, archives, libraries, colleges, universities, public television, and radio stations, and to individual scholars. The grants:

  • strengthen teaching and learning in schools and colleges
  • facilitate research and original scholarship
  • provide opportunities for lifelong learning
  • preserve and provide access to cultural and educational resources
  • strengthen the institutional base of the humanities

Learn about notable NEH-funded projects, past and present.


NEH Funding Opportunities

NEH Funding Opportunities

NEH offers a variety of grant programs to individuals and organizations that do the highest quality work to promote the humanities. 


Grant Applicant Resources

Grant Applicant Resources


Grant Management Resources

NEH Grantee Communications Toolkit

Grantee guidance addressing several common publicity and outreach questions. In the “Manage your Grant” section of the NEH website, there are specific acknowledgment requirements you must adhere to after accepting your grant. You can find these requirements here.