What is ORCID?
What is ORCID? Short for “Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier,” ORCID is “an international, interdisciplinary, open, non-proprietary and not-for profit organization created by the research community for the benefit of all stakeholders, including you and the organizations that support the research ecosystem.” It provides a way to identify your contributions to research, scholarship, and innovation through a unique, open digital identifier that helps to distinguish you from every other researcher with the same or similar name, even if you change your name.
By using your ORCID iD, you can save time entering data into the SciENcv system including updates as data can be pulled from the ORCID system. Additionally, if you include your iD when prompted to do so in manuscript submission systems, grant applications, and many more and, with your permission, your information can be exchanged between these systems so you don’t have to enter it manually. This saves you time and ensures the use of quality data that you have approved and your organizations have certified.
ORCID Resources
- YouTube Video - Integrating with ORCID – From the National Libraries of Medicine
- Ways to use your ORCID iD
- Building your ORCID record - multiple guides
- Trusted organizations and allowing access
- Linking your ORCID ID to NIH’s eRA Commons
- Adding publications to ORCID