ProposalCENTRAL Non-Federal Agencies Toolkit


proposalCENTRAL is a web-based grant management service for proposal submission and review. proposalCENTRAL has a number of participating non-federal sponsors including nonprofits, foundations, industry partners, associations, local and state governmental entities. The participating grantmakers all use proposalCENTRAL’s services to facilitate the application and review process. Below is a partial list of entities that use Proposal Central for proposal applications and/or Letters of Intent. Full list available at Proposal Central website:

  • Alzheimer's Association
  • American Association for Cancer Research
  • American Cancer Society
  • Arthritis Foundation
  • Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy CURE
  • Craig H. Neilsen Foundation
  • Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America
  • Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
  • Epilepsy Foundation
  • Michael J. Fox Foundation
  • Muscular Dystrophy Association
  • Ovarian Cancer Research Fund
  • Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation
  • Simons Foundation
  • Susan G. Komen
  • The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society


How to use proposalCENTRAL

proposalCENTRAL has collected support tools and contact information for help with the system in a central location for easy reference. Please keep this helpful information at hand as you register for the proposalCENTRAL and work through the steps to create and manage your proposals.


Register for proposalCENTRAL

  • Applicants need to register only once to apply for any of the programs offered in proposalCENTRAL. The University of Chicago is already registered as an institution.
  • Read the proposalCENTRAL guidance on How to Register as a proposalCENTRALUser for more information. If you have already registered, log in to the system.


Identify the program, access agency guidelines and application

  • Opportunities are listed on proposalCENTRAL, along with links to program guidelines.
  • To apply, log in, click on the “Grant Opportunities” tab on the top right, find the program you wish to apply for, and click on “Apply Now” in the “Apply” column on the right to see the application package and begin work on your proposal. The application is available after entering proposal information.
  • Read the proposalCENTRAL How to Create an Application guidance or refer to the Frequently Asked Questions for more information.


Complete and Application

  • To work on your application, go to the “Manage Proposals” tab after logging in.
  • Complete and save the “Title Page” section to access other Proposal Sections.
  • To enable your co-investigators, department or grants administrators to receive system notifications, provide information under “Enable Other Users to Access this Proposal” on the menu to
  • Under “Institution & Contacts”
    • Signing and financial official: Jennifer A. Ponting, JD 
    • Add grants administrator and others to proposal with emails

Investigators preparing a grant in proposalCENTRAL should bear in mind that URA does not have automatic access to proposalCENTRAL proposals. Investigators must grant access to URA to each proposal they create. This is done using the Enable Other Users to Access this Proposal feature within the system.


Submit application and signed Cover/Signature Page

  • The proposalCENTRAL system includes capabilities for either the PI or the authorized institutional official (URA) to make the actual submission. Agencies vary in how they choose to implement the submission process.
  • URA will work with the PI and their support staff to coordinate the final submission. It is important to note that some agencies that utilize proposalCENTRAL may still require a hard copy signature either to be scanned and uploaded into the system or to be mailed in original hard copy. Investigators should carefully review all proposal preparation guidelines provided by each agency.
  • After review and approval, URA will return the signed Cover/Signature Page to you to be sent to the sponsoring agency.
  • You can then click “Submit” in the right menu to submit your application to proposalCENTRAL.
  • The signed Cover/Signature Page must be received by the sponsoring agency by the agency deadline. The application is not final until the agency has received a Cover/Signature Page with an institutional signature.


proposalCENTRAL FAQs

proposalCENTRAL FAQs

Provides step-by-step instructions on application issues, updating applications and applicant information,  creation, development, and submission of proposals, proposal review, and more.


Other Resources

Using ORCID and ProposalCENTRAL [video]

ProposalCENTRAL Customer Service