
URA, in collaboration with IT Services, has developed several reporting resources for faculty and departments to use to manage sponsored awards. These reports are available to users through Business Objects. Many of the sponsored award reports utilize data from AURA Grants, the Financials universe, and the Payroll (PAR) universe but are meant to be used by individual users for ongoing business operations. 

Additional access and training information provided by Information Technology Services (ITS):

The reports listed below were created by URA to assist in AURA and FAS searches and account review and reconciliation. They are available in the AURA Grants and Post Award Reports folder under the Standard UCDW Reports.

For questions about specific accounts or data in the report, please refer to your Post-Award RA. For questions about the report queries, please contact William Jaramillo.


URA 103- Admin/Signer Lookup Tool

This report allows users to search by any account number to identify who the Account Administrators are on the account. Departments can use this report to ensure account transactional e-mails and questions are sent to the appropriate parties in other departments. The data available in the report can be seen by all users with Financials data access, regardless of which department they have access to. 


YearMonth Range Begin Because FAS accounts are recycled, the user needs to identify which range of dates they would like to search upon
YearMonth Range End
SL Acct6 Account Number


URA 104- URA Lookup Report

This reports allows users to search and filter by many proposal, award, and account attributes. The primary use of this report is to identify all accounts associated with a particular Award record.


Project State Select from prompts. This selection will filter the "Awards" and "Proposals" sheets
Primary Sponsor Short Name Free text field that will allow to search by pattern. For example, searching for %Natl% will filter to display all proposals and awards with "Natl" in the Primary Sponsor Name on the "Awards" and "Proposals" sheets.
Direct Sponsor Short Name Free text field that will allow to search by pattern. For example, searching for %Natl% will filter to display all proposals and awards with "Natl" in the Direct Sponsor Name on the "Awards" and "Proposals" sheets.
Direct Sponsor Award ID Free text field that will allow to search by pattern. For example, searching for %R21% will filter to display all awards with "R21" in the Direct Sponsor Award ID on the "Awards" sheet.
Prime Sponsor Award ID Free text field that will allow to search by pattern. For example, searching for %R21% will provide all awards with "R21" in the Prime Sponsor Award ID on the "Awards" sheet.
Subawardee Agency Short Name Free text field that will allow to search by pattern. For example, searching for %North% will provide all awards with "North" in the Subawardee Agency field on the "Awards" sheet.
SL Acct6 No Search for a specific account on the "FAS" sheet
AURA AWD ID Search for all accounts related to a specific AWD record on the "FAS" sheet. For example, searching for %65669% in this field will filter the "FAS" sheet to display all active accounts associated with AURA AWD06569.
Subaward Recipient Short Name Free text field that will allow to search by pattern. For example, searching for %North% will provide all awards with "North" in the Subawardee Agency field on the "Proposals" sheet.
Proposal AURA ID Search for a specific funding proposal on the "Proposals" sheet.


URA 201- Upcoming Closeout Report

This report is to used to identify accounts with Final Report Due Dates in the upcoming month, accounts with award end dates in the next 120 days, and expired accounts that have not yet had a final report filed. 

This report is scheduled to be delivered to department administrators on the first Monday of each month. The report is also available to administrators to run in Business Objects at all times. 


Exec Level Filter report by Executive Level
Dept No Filter report by specific Department Number
Sub Dept no Filter report by specific Sub Department

Users only have access to see accounts to which they already have access. For example, if you only have access to department 140, you will only be able to view accounts in that department and associated exec level. Filters can be used if you have access to multiple departments and/or execs. 


URA 207- Account Review and Reconciliation Report

This report is used to reconcile account transactions, indirect costs, and to review transactions and payroll that may be questionable under sponsored award policies and practices. 


YearMonth Range Begin Enter the start date of the award/budget period. If pre-award spending is allowable, enter the allowable pre-award spend start date.
YearMonth Range End

If running the report during the life of the award, enter the current month.

If running to reconcile after an award has ended, enter the end date of the award. 

SL Acct6 No Enter account number
SubAcct Rpt Grp Def Enter 28
SL Acct6 No Enter account number again

Users only have access to see accounts to which they already have access. Additionally, Questionable Payroll data will only appear if the user has access to Payroll data for the department the salaries are charged from.