AURA Grant System Upgrade Reminder

Dear Grant Administrators and Principal Investigators,

This message is to remind you of the upcoming AURA Grants system upgrade that will happen on Monday, April 15. 

As a reminder, please route proposals or award actions with pending deadlines by Friday, April 12 at 5:00 p.m. 

All proposals must be routed to “Pending Sponsor Response” status in the current system in order to be migrated to AURA Grants 8. If you have a proposal in the process of development that cannot be submitted prior to April 12 at 5:00 p.m., you will need to recreate the proposal in the new version of the software.

For proposals due in the coming days that cannot be sent to URA for review and submission, please work with your URA Research Administrator to create a plan for routing and submitting.

If you have not yet participated in training on the updated system, there are still opportunities available. Please visit the project website for more information and to register.

Faculty interaction with the updated system will be very similar to that with the current system, including the same log-in information and process for completion of conflict of interest assurances. A resource document is available for your reference and can be found here at Additional resources are also available at the link above.

For any questions, please email Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Michael R. Ludwig
Assoc. VP for Research Administration and Director,
University Research Administration